CSI recently attended the 2022 annual NiUG Discovery & ASI iNNOVATIONS conferences in Arlington, VA. It was great seeing that in-person conferences are starting to become popular again since disappearing these past few years. The sessions and networking events allowed everyone to learn more about what is coming to iMIS and what is happening within the iMIS Community.

CSI was one of four winners of ASI’s App Challenge competition – 17 total submissions! The iMIS Power Automate Connector was the idea to accomplish this feat. With the iMIS Power Automate Connector, organizations can integrate iMIS with hundreds of 3rd party applications and automate workflows.
Along with the product achievement, our consulting team received the ASI Client Satisfaction Leader of the Year award. With an NPS score of 93, it was the highest rating in ASI history – we strive to make our clients happier and even more successful. This award shines above the rest and allows us to understand that our work does matter not just to us but to those with whom we have the privilege to work with.
CSI was also one of this year’s ASI Chairman Circle Award recipients, receiving this award for the 19th time!

While we were a recipient of a handful of awards, we also wanted to teach the iMIS community about what 3rd party solutions are available. Another ASI App Challenge submission that CSI had was Roster Manager. This solution allows easy and efficient updating of multiple profiles in iMIS – what used to take hours is now accomplished in minutes.
Doug and JT also had the pleasure of leading a session revolving around automation in a cloud-friendly world. They shared how the iMIS Data Management Suite can replace stored procedures to eliminate hurdles that many organizations, worldwide, are facing as they plan their migration to iMIS EMS. The new iMIS Power Automate Connector also made an appearance in the session. Doug and JT outlined how iMIS can now connect with the world through Power Automate.