Accurate shipping rates are just a click away.
With Freight Rate Importer, easily import your favorite shippers and methods into iMIS. Our easy-to-use import process even allows for nimble adjustments whenever a fuel surcharge change occurs. Let Freight Rate Importer handle the import of data entry and remove the manual labor and possibility of errant keystrokes.
Sustainably manage freight rates.
Rate tables
Packaged right alongside the product download for ease of use.
Fuel surcharges
Easily update freight rates to reflect updated fuel surcharges.
Shipping methods
Choose the specific shipping methods that work for you.
Zone table
Simple to configure zones based on your location and freight destination.
Learn more about Freight Rate Importer
Interested in making shipping a cinch? Get in touch today!
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CSI, Inc.
855 West Prairie Ave
Wheaton, IL 60187
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Sustainable rate management.
In today’s business landscape, shippers face serious challenges. Superior automation solutions like Freight Rate Importer reduce stress and provide a sustainable way to contain freight costs.