Press Kit
View the CSI brand colors and logo. Approved parties may download the CSI logo in various formats for use on other websites or for print material.
Brand colors
Hex: #374ea2
RGB: 55, 78, 162
CMYK: 66, 52, 0, 36
Hex: #00a4e0
RGB: 0, 164, 224
CMYK: 100, 27, 0, 12
Hex: #e6b222
RGB: 230, 178, 34
CMYK: 0, 23, 85, 10
Hex: #6d6e71
RGB: 109, 110, 113
CMYK: 4, 3, 0, 56
Hex: #f66f80
RGB: 246, 111, 128
CMYK: 0, 55, 48, 4
Manipulation or alteration of the CSI logo is strictly prohibited. The CSI logo must appear exactly as shown in the image files. Do not attempt to alter colors, fonts, tagline, or adjust the proportion, scale, or otherwise. Any questions about our logo usage, please contact us.
Primary (horizontal compositions)
Secondary (vertical compositions)