Let’s face it – you jump between iMIS and Outlook all day long – why aren’t you integrated?
- That Member’s email you were reading prior to this – shouldn’t that be saved on their record in iMIS?
- The other Member you promised to email – why not just look them up from Outlook? No need to get their email from iMIS.
- That committee calendar reminder – did you remember that the committee changed and the saved group you have on your Outlook is no longer valid?
- What about that potential Member that emailed you? Want to create a record in iMIS with just two clicks?
- Oh and don’t forget that email you sent the other day – that really should be on the donor’s record right?
Want to see how easy this is? Join us for this 35 minute overview of iEmail and we will even give you a little gift at the end of the webinar.