Streamline your everyday workflows.

Power Automate enables versatile workflows built through powerful integrations. With the iMIS Power Automate Connector, your organization can boost efficiency and productivity by connecting iMIS to over 1,000 popular apps and services. Eliminate tedious tasks and bridges, enhance workflows, and dream up new big ideas integrating iMIS with the world.

Create powerful integrations with iMIS.

Power Automate

Connect iMIS to over 1,000 online apps and services to automate your everyday work.

Seamless triggers

Use iMIS change notifications, or triggers from your favorite app — including RiSE.

Schedule workflows

Design and implement flows that operate on a one-time or recurring scheduled basis.

Idea library

With so many possible integrations, we offer a documentation idea library to get started!


Find, create, and update iMIS activities from within your Power Automate workflow.


Find, create, and update iMIS contacts from within your Power Automate workflow.

IQA queries

Execute IQA queries to drive Power Automate workflows and external integrations.

Panel actions

Find, create, update, and delete panel data from within your Power Automate workflow.

The iMIS Power Automate Connector brings the magic of Power Automate to iMIS. With practically endless possible integrations to hundreds of online apps and services, the sky’s the limit.

Connect iMIS seamlessly with over 1,000 popular apps and services

Learn more about the iMIS Power Automate Connector

Interested in learning more about what the iMIS Power Automate Connector can do for your organization? Get in touch today to start automating! 

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Interested in learning more about CSI and our amazing products and services? Find our contact information below!

CSI, Inc.

855 West Prairie Ave

Wheaton, IL 60187

Phone & Fax

Phone: +1 (630) 681-1100

Fax: +1 (630) 681-1111

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Incredibly versatile integrations.

With hundreds of integrations and practically limitless possibilities, iMIS Power Automate Connector automates your organization’s everyday workflows like magic.